This beautiful and touching work, erected in 1992 by world renowned sculptor Luben Boykov, stands as a tribute to the victims of the devastating mining disease, the sailors who tragically died in the USS Truxtun and USS Pollux disaster on Feb 18, 1942 at Chamber Cove...
On February 18th, 1942, the American naval vessels USS Truxtun and USS Pollux ran aground on the ragged and treacherous rocks off of Newfoundland’s south coast in a relentless winter storm. Massive waves assaulted the vessels; the Pollux was at Lawn Point, while...
Beautiful sandy shores and the deep blue of the Atlantic. Located just outside St. Lawrence, Shoal Cove Beach is a prime location for surfing, swimming, beach volleyball, cook-ups or campfires! Shoal Cove Beach is just a short drive or walk from St....
A fog alarm was established on Middle Head, the point dividing Great and Little St. Lawrence Harbours, in 1912; it was made up of a flat-roofed domicile, a storehouse, and an engine house. All three buildings were painted white. This station was first kept by P....
This guided walking tour for 12 people or less will show you breathtaking scenery, fascinating locations, geological marvels, and will help you understand the history of St. Lawrence. Its people have endured countless challenges; earthquakes, a tsunami, the Great...
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